Monday, February 25, 2008

Hooked on CNN

I have no idea what's wrong with me; I'm addicted to CNN.

I've never been much of a politics guy (in fact, it more often than not churns my stomach), for some odd reason though, I'm totally into this primary season... I mean come on, its the primaries, Indiana doesn't even get a voice in this race. But every night and every morning I've got to get my fix of politics. How's Billary (yes, that was intensional) doing in the polls? What's new with Obama? Is Mike Huckabee still in the race? What's this, Ralph is at it again?

I've always been a red state kind of guy, but could I go blue this year? Can you vote for someone with whom you don't totally agree on everything? It's all very interesting me.

What do I really feel about the issues? Does my voice really matter?

More than anything the thing that I am most shocked about is that all those important decisions are decided by less than 30% of the population (more people vote for American Idol than for president). Whatever the outcome I find it all fascinating. So CNN has become my new daily staple.

Well... balanced with a little humor:

Thanks Mike, you made my Saturday.

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