Thursday, September 13, 2007

Use Technology to Make Mélaine's Day

Here's Bob's little technology tip for you: How to make the é (e acute) for Mélaine's name.

There's nothing worse than having a super cool name, and have people butcher it because they don't know how to make fancy letters. So for a special treat for her birthday (send cards, flowers, and emails) - I'm going to teach you all the secret of how to make the fancy 'e' as I like to call it.

First type a capital 'M', so you have a little something like this:


Now comes the tricky part. Hold down the 'alt' key and press in order 0 2 3 3 and then let go.... you should get a little something like this: é

That's it... then type in the rest of the letters and suddenly now you are the favorite student making your professors day. :)


Nicole's Blog said... I am a little confused. I am not sure how to post comments on other people's blogs without them already posting on my blog. For example, when I try to post a comment on someone new that I haven't before it wont let me. If you could send me a message back, that would be great!! Thanks!

Cassie Yarde said...

I did it! But my computer doesn't make the fancy letter with your way of the alt and the numbers. But!...the insert symbol works for me!!

JoellePalmer said...


It is friday. I have been trying to get online since 6:15 and it is not 7:45. I cannot post anything or do my video. I tried calling the university. NO one is there. I don't know what to do. I cant get on to blackboard unless i can get on the homepage!! HELPP!